Tuesday, September 25, 2012


      Today we started a project and the main thing is putting Scooby-Doos' head on Spiderman's body.
Below are the two pictures I am using to make my project.

I cut out Scooby's face and pasted it onto Spiderman's body.

This is how I am finishing today.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Final Project: Zebra-Rhino

     I have made some tweaks to the zebra-rhinos face and I am done with the project!

Where I left off last time.
My finished project.



 The only thing I've changed is the face because I wanted the zebra eye to be over the rhino eye. I didn't distort the zebra lines which was my main goal and now the eye's line up.

     I lowered the opacity so you could see how the eyes now line up.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Zebra-Rhino (Almost Done)


I am almost finished with my Rhino-Zebra project. As you can see above is what I started with today and to the right is what I am finishing with today. Some adjustments you might have noticed is that I changed the saturation of the hooves? and horns. They are now darker. I also did some shading because you couldn't really see any defined line in my original. You can see the defined gut line and various other lines. I'll have to work on the face more next class because that's really the only thing that's bugging me.

Rhino-Zebra Progress: Day 2

       This is how I've progressed in this project. The zebra skin fits over the parts of the rhino I need it to, and it looks fairly decent. The eye is in the incorrect spot because the liquify tool just isn't working for me and the only way to really fix it and make it look good is by redoing the entire thing. The horns and hooves? are a different color but I'll fix that shortly.

        The most difficult thing would be the head.

I want that eye to be more in the center but I can't figure out how to use the liquify tool so it'll look decent after I work on it. I think it may need to be left like this which doesn't make me entirely happy.

Rhino-Zebra Progress: Day 1

This first picture is showing how I cut out the zebra which was the first step. I used the Polynomal Lasso Tool. And the second pic is just showing again, where I cut out the zebra. You can see a little bit of the green on the zebra-hawk.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dog Project

   For this project, we had to remove or hide everything that the red is highlighting. It was a bit challenging. The only tool I used was the Healing Brush Tool. If I were to do it again, I would've tried another tool as well just to vary it because this tool isn't the best for everything I did. You can see a lot of the circles from the healing brush. I tried to fade the spots and it worked to some degree but not like I was exactly hoping for. It needs a bit of fixing but I think I did a decent job with the colors and stuff. None of the colors are WAY off, at least.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Statue of Liberty

      In class today we used the Polygonal Lasso Tool and the Lasso Tool to remove the blue from around the image. The Polygonal Lasso Tool was extremely helpful for the straight edges while the Lasso Tool was really easy to mess up. I think I did a fairly decent job though!

This was the easiest part- I wanted to show ya'll how good a job I did with removing all the blue around the crown. ;D

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Car Removal

This is my car removal project. This is quite possibly the hardest thing I have ever done. I have redone this countless times and I cannot fix it anymore... Not impressed with myself by any means. But I'll get there.
