Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Finished Project: Light Rays

First I opened a new Photoshop document that was 500 x 500 pixels. I made the background layer black then created a new layer and made it white. I then when to Filter-Render-Clouds, afterwards I went to Filter-Render-Difference Clouds x3.

I then went to Filter-Artistic-Rough Pastels and changed the stroke length to 7, the stroke detail to 15, the texture type to canvas, the scaling to 100%, the relief to 20, made sure it wasn't inverted and made sure the direction was bottom.

On the same little pop up, I clicked on brush strokes and chose accented edges and changed the edge width to 2, the edge brightness to 38, and the smoothness to 5.

I clicked ok and then went to Filter-Distort-Polar Coordinates and made sure it was Rectangular to Polar. My image looked like this:

I think that looks pretty cool without doing anymore, but my next step was to go to Filter-Stylize-Wind Method and made sure the direction was "right" then did it two more times.

Go back to Polar Coordinates and change it from Polar to Rectangular.
I then changed the hue to 12, saturation to 50 and checked colorize. I then duplicated the layer and made the duplicated layer 50% opacity and then went to Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur.
And this is my finished product!

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