Monday, October 1, 2012

Mini-Project: Haunted House

  For this project we have to take a house and make it look haunted. Below are 5 houses to chose from.Which do you like best?

 This one is really busy but I think it could be cool if I could do it right.

This one might be hard because of the shrubbery and the tree but it has some potential.

This one is my favorite. It's already slightly haunting and I'd love to make it even more so. It looks perfect to me. It's kind of plain but it's scary movie quality already.

I don't totally like this one but there's a lot of things you could do to it which is why it's an option for me. Don't really like anything about it though...

I enjoy this one a lot too. I feel like it has potential and it would be fairly easy to do. There wouldn't have to be a lot of rebuilding on my part and I could get straight to the fun stuff. The color is also more even which is better for changing the setting.

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