Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sphere Progress: Day 3

I've only added the "front shadow" which has been difficult. It doesn't look natural to me and though I've tried 20+ times I can't seem to master it. I've used lighter and darker colors with a 1% flow and I've used the warp/distort/transform tools to try to get it and I've come slightly close. This sphere is definitely not easy to do no matter how easy Monsieur Cornell makes it look. Other than the front shadow thing, I've been working on my blending and trying to fix the colors. I would like it to be darker but I can't seem to make it darker while still keeping the volume which is something I will work on next class some more. I've also fixed the white edge. Before you couldn't see the edge because it was too blended into the background but now it's more apparent which looks much better. Comparing this picture to the picture from last time I can see how the front shadow kind of grounds the sphere. It looks better although it's not good. I'm on my way.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sphere Progress: Day 2

Since last time, I have added to the sphere, a lot. I have fixed how flat it looked and started using more layers so when I messed up it wouldn't affect my entire project. 

 If you look at my first post with my sphere, you'll notice it didn't look quite like a ball because it looked flat, but with using multiple colors and blending to the best of my ability, my sphere now has some shape. Granted, it needs more but so far it has improved greatly. Some of the volume is there. My shadow wasn't very great but using the warp tool, I was able to alter it enough that it looked more like the reference shadow and using the eraser I was able to change it even more so.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Sphere: Day 1

The top image is what I want mine to look like. So far, I've only started on the shading and it isn't as good of a job as I'd like. I've been taking the original image colors and altering them slightly to make it as close to the original as possible. I'm painting this in a circular motion to give it a smooth, soft look.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Blending Practice

    We had to blend 3 different colors together... These colors aren't drastic enough but I'm doing 2 new ones. This is the main idea though. We had to make a smooth transition from one side to the other; no lines or huge visible differences. It's incredibly difficult, but with patience and understanding the tool you can do a really good job.

Red, Yellow, Orange.

Brush Practice

*Done on the 6th but it saved as a draft instead of publishing

For the trunk of the tree I used wet edges and scattering. I enjoy it. It gives it an interesting texture. I like the wet edges setting but sometimes it can be too heavy. The left half of the grass I used wet edges and it looks way too dense so for the right side I took it off and it looks much lighter and nicer. I enjoy the scattering a lot, hence the frequent use.

 I used the shape dynamics setting and I dig it. It could be useful for creating smoke and it makes interesting shapes. Not my favorite.

Brush Practice

I used the scatter and wet edges effects. I enjoyed using them. The shape dynamic effect made it easier to make interesting and differing shapes.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

One Point Perspective Room: W/ Door&Window

         Today I added in the door and window. I used the guides by utilizing the one point perspective (the intersection in the middle) as you can see by the second picture below. After I set up the guides I went into the "window" or "door" layer and would use the line tool to go over the guides with a black line. I basically did the same thing for the window and door and the same idea with the ceiling and floor. Everything will line up with the middle point.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

One Point Perspective Room

           We're using the line tool to create the one point perspective. This project will eventually have a T.V., window, carpet, door, etc...

Monday, November 26, 2012

One Point Perspective

  For this assignment we had to have a horizon point that was labeled, we need a vanishing point and a matching-colored label, and we need four lines that help illustrate the vanishing point on the top and four on the bottom. Lastly we need four vertical lines that are straight with the buildings along with a title "One Point Perspective". We used the line tool and the text tool to do this.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Finished Project: Haunted House

  This is my finished project of the haunted house. At first it was irritating to do but then it got pretty fun. I enjoyed this project because there were many personal elements you could put into it. The main tools I used were the polynomial lasso tool, the transform and warp tool, and the hue/saturation tool. The hardest or most time consuming thing would've probably been either the cutting out of the tree or finding a background. It was incredibly hard to find a background that looked appropriate with the house because it didn't look good with the mountains or any kind of swampland so I just went with spooky clouds. Something I'm not all too happy with is the background because I feel like this is just a picture of a house and its background doesn't add too much which is what the project was not supposed to be. Overall, I think I did good enough. I certainly wouldn't walk up to that house by myself.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Haunted House Improvements

I changed the background parce-que the background I had before wasn't any kind of fitting for the Victorian house. Although this isn't necessarily where Victorian houses are found, the background makes it spookier and it's a likelier background for the type of house.  I also added a tree because I feel like the area by the lightning is way too empty.



Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Haunted House 11-13-12

  It's pretty pixel-y but you can see that I broke the window with the Polynomial Lasso Tool and filled it in with black paint. I placed an old, dirty brick wall on top of the paint to give it the appearance of breaking down and getting old. I used the paint tool very lightly to create a dirty look to the paint of the house to make it look old.

Animated GIF finished

Animated GIF

This is my GIF.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Start of Haunted House

                             This is the house I'll be using to make my haunted house.

I had to cut the house out of this background. After I did that, I'm not repairing some areas of the house that had shrubs in front of them or branches, etc...


I haven't gotten much farther because I'm having a hard time finding an OK background. I'm going to go home and find a good one tonight though. I'll at least have the house on the background for ya next class!


Today in class I started with finding a background and foreground. For the foreground I googled wheat fields and selected a pick that could work with the house then altered the color so it wasn't so bright and yellow. For the background I googled rolling hills and found a clearing with mountains behind it. I also made that darker and put the three elements together to form the beginning of what will be my haunted house. Below is a picture of where I am currently.


I changed the background so that it wasn't just a picture of the house. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Final Project: Spider-Doo


I messed up the ears and did the webbing on the wrong layer so I couldn't center it on Scooby's nose. This was quite hard but it's all I can do at this point in time.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Spider-Doo Update

     This class I have removed all of the red from the webbing of Spiderman's mask. I am now rebuilding the webbing. I need to redo Scooby's color as well. Next class I will finish the webbing and start on his color. Fixing the webbing has proved to be a little challenging but by next class I will be completely done with it!

Mini-Project: Haunted House

  For this project we have to take a house and make it look haunted. Below are 5 houses to chose from.Which do you like best?

 This one is really busy but I think it could be cool if I could do it right.

This one might be hard because of the shrubbery and the tree but it has some potential.

This one is my favorite. It's already slightly haunting and I'd love to make it even more so. It looks perfect to me. It's kind of plain but it's scary movie quality already.

I don't totally like this one but there's a lot of things you could do to it which is why it's an option for me. Don't really like anything about it though...

I enjoy this one a lot too. I feel like it has potential and it would be fairly easy to do. There wouldn't have to be a lot of rebuilding on my part and I could get straight to the fun stuff. The color is also more even which is better for changing the setting.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


      Today we started a project and the main thing is putting Scooby-Doos' head on Spiderman's body.
Below are the two pictures I am using to make my project.

I cut out Scooby's face and pasted it onto Spiderman's body.

This is how I am finishing today.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Final Project: Zebra-Rhino

     I have made some tweaks to the zebra-rhinos face and I am done with the project!

Where I left off last time.
My finished project.



 The only thing I've changed is the face because I wanted the zebra eye to be over the rhino eye. I didn't distort the zebra lines which was my main goal and now the eye's line up.

     I lowered the opacity so you could see how the eyes now line up.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Zebra-Rhino (Almost Done)


I am almost finished with my Rhino-Zebra project. As you can see above is what I started with today and to the right is what I am finishing with today. Some adjustments you might have noticed is that I changed the saturation of the hooves? and horns. They are now darker. I also did some shading because you couldn't really see any defined line in my original. You can see the defined gut line and various other lines. I'll have to work on the face more next class because that's really the only thing that's bugging me.

Rhino-Zebra Progress: Day 2

       This is how I've progressed in this project. The zebra skin fits over the parts of the rhino I need it to, and it looks fairly decent. The eye is in the incorrect spot because the liquify tool just isn't working for me and the only way to really fix it and make it look good is by redoing the entire thing. The horns and hooves? are a different color but I'll fix that shortly.

        The most difficult thing would be the head.

I want that eye to be more in the center but I can't figure out how to use the liquify tool so it'll look decent after I work on it. I think it may need to be left like this which doesn't make me entirely happy.